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Despite the fact that food is in a world full of resources and essential for survival, food insecurity is pervasive in the sugar cane villages "bateys" of the Dominican Republic .


In this environment, the acquisition of agricultural land is expensive for its inhabitants. The food market is their one and only source of supply. As the result, they inevitably experience the rise in food prices established by this market.


Families from this background are largely unemployed or low-income. They are numerous, poor (poverty line) and many are single parents. These families are hard hit economically. Eating is a big challenge for them.


  1. 60-70% of unemployed parents

  2. precarious employment

  3. low income job

  4. undernourished

  5. young adults with no future

  6. lack of resources

  7. homeless families

  8. insufficient hygiene

  9. uncleanliness




The food insecurity that seriously affects these poor families results in insufficient or variably nonexistent food .





To date, more than 2,000 bags of food (7,500 kilos) have been distributed to 90 families from disadvantaged communities located in the north of the Dominican Republic, near Puerto Plata…

Food Security Program




In the center of a village located in the north of the Dominican Republic, near Puerto Plata, our organization has made available to disadvantaged families of Bella Vista, a land of culture…

In order to meet these crying food needs, International Alpha Mission has set up a food security program for several disadvantaged communities in the north of the Dominican Republic.

Community Garden of Bella Vista

Our food security program aims to stop the undernourishment families. It allows families to obtain free specific foodstuffs and, also, to have a certain food autonomy thanks to thev culture and this, from a perspective of sustainable development.


It is a solution to food insecurity thanks to its two complementary components:

  1. Monthly food distribution

  2. Community garden

As part of our program, activities have been developed to provide families with:

  1. An accessible diet on a regular basis

  2. More dietary diversity

  3. Food self-sufficiency thanks to harvests from community gardens

All this is made possible thanks to your financial support which is essential in order to allow us to offer this program to families from different communities in the Dominican Republic.

Join us in to fight hunger and food insecurity by making a donation.


Thank you for your generosity !

Online donation (Paypal)

International Alpha Mission

Head office

105-1825 rue de caribou

Longueuil, Québec J4N 0C9, Canada


106-1330 boulevard des chutes

Québec, Qc G1E 0J5, Canada

Telephone: 514-605-6683

Registration number (ARC): 82303 8039 RR0001

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